Do emotions cause actions?

Do emotions cause actions?

Jun 12, 2024

This is the disconnect you’re experiencing with all those ambition arousing quotes and commercials.

They inspire you to move mountains, but you end up NOT LIFTING a single finger.

That’s because…

Motivational quotes and commercials are about Emotions, but success is about DOING

It seems like those emotions will lead to doing, but they almost NEVER do.

Emotions are ONLY the spark.

It seems like those emotions cause actions, but all they do is lead to chasing more feelings.

And if you’re not aware or careful, you’ll KEEP CHASING them until you have a dopamine burnout.

The engine that drives progress is action!

It’s important to transform the emotions you receive from motivational quotes and commercials into action.

Next time you feel uplifted by a motivational quote or a particularly inspiring commercial, DON'T get lost in the feelings.

Think about 1 thing you can do right away to channel that aroused state into action.

Maybe it's making a call you've been putting off, or scheduling time to work on that skill.

It’s these actions - small or big - that turn the initial spark of excitement into the steady glow of success.

Let it push you not just to dream, but to do.


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