What is the inside and outside personality?

What is the inside and outside personality?

Jun 05, 2024

Remember when you said you’d confront or stand up to that person?

In your head you had the conversation all worked out, and even knew what you were gonna say and how you’d counter their arguments.

But it didn't go as well in real life as it did in your head?

In fact, you probably DIDN'T even confront the person.


That’s playing out in all areas of your life!

What you want and plan inside, is not always what the you act out on the outside.

It’s like there’s a switch from the 'you' inside, to a different 'you' in the real world.

And it can feel like these two versions of YOU are worlds apart.

And in many ways, they are!

Your internal voice and your external actions are almost like two distinct entities, each with its own strengths and weaknesses, drives and desires.

In other words, how you’re in the inside isn’t necessarily how you show up on the outside.

How the inside you might think about doing something or talking to someone, is different from how the outside you will do or enjoy it.

The clarity of the "internal you" can be contrasted by the hesitance of the "external you."

Or in can be the opposite, it’s the inner voice that's timid and shy, and the outside person that shows up clear and confident.

Beware of this inside and outside personality dynamic

Know that just because you think of yourself a certain way, doesn’t mean it’s what show ups.

More importantly, just because you have a clear idea or plan, that your outside self will follow it.

You inside self NEEDS to understand you’re outside self will show up differently, and it NEEDS to prepare and plan to help the outside self succeed.


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