What makes things hard?

What makes things hard?

Jun 14, 2024

You know what’s crazy I realized recently?

It really threw me off my feet.

It's that...

Most things in life aren’t hard

I'm serious!

What makes things hard is the flurry of activity the mind creates.

Here's what I mean...

Anytime I wanna do something, in an instant, my thoughts will run a muck saying "you sure you wanna do this," "what if it doesn’t work," or "it’ll take too much time."

That'll be followed with feelings of anxiety, dread, sometimes overwhelm.

Or I’ll get too tired, even if it's the middle of the day.

Other times, I’ll feel a pull to a distraction like online shopping or food.

I have to go through all that just to do the thing

Often the thing can be simple or easy to do, but the brain creates this whirl of chaos to weave through.

And it’s weaving through all of this chaos that makes things hard and difficult.

Not the activity itself!

If you can understand that, and learn to ignore the commotion the mind creates, you’ll find most things are easy and wonder why you didn't start sooner.


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