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Why is it SO hard to do the work?

This was the question my students and clients kept asking me over and over again.

You know what to do.

You know how to do it.

And you have the motivation and desire to do it.

But for some reason, every time you try to take action, it's like there's some invisible force holding you back.

It's as if an Elon Musk Neurolink is mind controlling you to do something, ANYTHING, other than the thing you know you need to do.

Next thing you know, you've spent 3 hours watching a Joe Rogan podcast and haven't accomplished anything...

But now it's lunch time...

So, you go out for a bite to eat.

An hour later, you're full and excited to get started again.

But then...the SAME INVISIBLE FORCE strikes again!

Now you're on Amazon shopping for those shoes you saw your favorite celebrity wearing...

And while you're at it, you run to the store to knock out the groceries for the week.

Next think you know, your entire day's gone and you haven't started a thing!

So, you tell yourself you'll start tomorrow, that tomorrow will be different!

But tomorrow comes, and the INVISIBLE FORCE strikes again, holding you back from doing what you know you need to do...

And the Worst Thing is…

You've been doing this for years!

The same pattern over and over again.

You've Tried Everything!


--> Read all the books

--> Bought all the courses

--> Attended all the seminars

But none of these ever solve the problem for you, because they've never explained the root cause of this invisible force that's holding you back.

And as Einstein said...

More or less you spend 5 hours trying to get yourself to do what takes less than 5 minutes!

I understand, because I've been right where you are!

I know exactly what you’re going through, because for decades I had the same exact problem. I couldn’t finish anything I started.

No matter how much I tried, the outcome was always the same.

I wondered why?

Why’s it if I wanna do something...

I know what to do. I know how to do it.

And I have the motivation and desire to do it.

But for one reason or another, I can’t or don't do it?

This question always lingered in my mind

Every time I felt stuck, I wondered why?

Why can’t I get stuff done?

Why do I keep spinning my wheels?

Why don’t I just do this damn thing, so I can get the outcome I want?

At the time there were no clear answers.

The best answer I heard was because I didn't have discipline or willpower.

Yes discipline and willpower are part of the equation, but I thought there had to be more.

So, I decided I was gonna figure this out

And little did I know, this would take me on a 15 year journey to over 100 countries.

We're talking Monks in the mountains of Cambodia, Shamans in the jungles of Ecuador, Medicine men in the Columbian rain forest..

I tried therapy, medication, meditation, hypnosis, biofeedback, tapping, breathwork, and MUCH more.

I learned from some of the biggest names in personal development like:

I didn’t just look for answers outside myself, I looked inside by pushing myself.

Volcano Boarding on Cerro Negro, Nicaragua

I pushed as hard and far as I could go

Hiking tallest mountain range in Africa, Simien Mountains, Ethiopia

And when I had nothing left, I pushed harder and farther.

Standing on Kjeragbolten Rock, Norway

Through these experiences, I started realizing…

“Hey wait a minute, there’s a part of our brain designed to hold us back.”

That’s right!

There’s a part of our mind designed to STOP us from growing and making progress.

This is when I knew I was on to something…

You see, your brain is a complicated thing

It’s not this one single thinking unit.

It’s actually made of a collection of parts

And each part is designed to do different things.

One part of your brain creates motivation and desires.

But a completely different part allows you to act on that desire.

The part that allows you to act works separate from the part that creates the desire in the first place.

So you have one part of your brain inspiring you to do things, but a completely different part that decides whether to do it.

If the part that makes the decision doesn't give the green light, you CAN’T act!


I call this part Internal Resistance!

It is the brick wall you keep hitting when:

  • You have this excitement.

  • You can see an outcome.

  • then 3 weeks later...

  • You're sitting on the couch watching reruns of NCIS.

  • So, the Question Is NOT:

    How can I have more motivation?

    How can I be more disciplined?

    How can I try harder?

    Because you can have all the motivation and discipline in the world, but if resistance doesn’t give the green light, you can’t act!

    It’s like when you wanna raise your hand in class, ask a boss for a raise, or go in for a kiss, but you can’t…

    as if something's stopping you!

    Well, that something is internal resistance.

    And it can literally put the BRAKES in your life!

    The REAL Question Is:

    What is internal resistance, why is it there, and more importantly, how to remove it from your life!

    Once I answered this question, my success went through the roof.

    Anything I wanted to do, I could do it.

    If I want to learn salsa, do yoga, or rock climb, I did it.

    Overcoming resistance has allowed me to:

    Become a Bestselling Author of a dozen books

    Travel to 100 Countries

    Complete Bucket List in my 30’s

    Now, I'm the world's authority on the topic and have spoken all over the planet

    Now, I'm the world's authority on the topic and have spoken all over the planet

    And I’m on a mission to help you

    Introducing… Conquer Internal Resistance to Live Your Best Life The proven system to overcome procrastination and self-sabotage to make more money, have better relationships, and live the life you dream.

    No more starting and stopping, starting and stopping again, spinning your wheels wondering why you can’t get anything done.

    From the very first lesson, you’ll uncover secrets that’ll put an end to your procrastination and sabotage to achieve what you’ve always wanted.





    Here is what you’ll learn….

  • Module 1 - Mastering Your Wants

    Remember I said there’s a part of your brain that creates wants and desires?

    Well, this part is out of control, creating endless wants one after another.

    It’ll say, Let’s learn the guitar, Ooh maybe I should write a book. No, I wanna start a business.

    After seeing an ad for a baking class, it’ll say, “baking my own bread sounds fun too!"

    This module puts an END to all that!

    It stops your shiny object syndrome from pulling you in every direction, so you can focus on a clear goal.

    Module 2 - Unraveling Your Resistance

    The second module dives into internal resistance - the invisible force built to hold you back.

    You’ll learn what resistance is, why it’s there, and how it’s working day and night to keep you from doing things.

    You’ll also learn the checklist resistance goes through when deciding to let you do something.

    The more boxes that are checked off, the more you can do it.

    Many students report pushing through long standing blocks simply from this module.

    Module 3 - Exposing the Tricks of Resistance

    The biggest problem with resistance is it never tells you when it’s stopping you.

    It doesn’t say, the thing you’re trying to do doesn’t check off all the boxes, so I can’t let you do it.

    Nope, instead resistance uses manipulative tricks.

    Ever gotten sick when making great progress, took on more than you could handle, or kept pushing the goal for ‘later,’ ‘tomorrow,’ or ‘next time’

    Those were all tricks, and this module exposes dozens of tricks your own brain’s using to keep you stuck.

    Understanding these tricks will keep you from wasting 5 hours to do what normally takes 10 minutes.

    Module 4 - Conquer Your Resistance

    Remember I said resistance goes through a checklist before deciding to let you do something?

    In Module 4, you’ll learn which of the items on the list apply to YOU.

    It presents my unique Resistance Revealing and Releasing Method to extract the exact cause of your resistance.

    The method will also release the resistance, so you’re not battling with it anymore.

    You’ll be amazed how easy life becomes when resistance isn’t constantly fighting with your efforts.

    Module 5 - Action, Action, Action

    The key to success in anything comes down to action.

    He or she who takes most action wins

    Module 5 lays out my Action Ignition Blueprint, a surprisingly simple process to take any goal from the first step all the way to the finish

    You’ll learn why:

    --> the first step is the hardest

    --> how to build momentum

    --> use habits to your advantage

    all the way to making sustainable progress until you reach the end.


    Just Imagine the ability to Start something and Finish it

    You know those half-finished projects hanging over your shoulder, what if they were all done?

    Remember telling yourself you'd lose 15 lbs by the end of summer, what if next summer you actually do it?

    That’s what’s possible with this program.

    Don’t believe me, here’s what Chris and Clint have to say:



    Bonus #1 - Free Module - Resistance Releasing Hacks

    Your challenge with resistance isn't with your overall goal

    It’s with all the little steps you don’t feel like doing to get there - making the call, driving to the gym, showing up for practice.

    You don’t feel like doing them because your brain releases a series of chemicals and electrical impulses that literally paralyze you from taking action.

    Learn simple ways to quickly remove the paralyzing effects of resistance, so you can take action in moments that matter most.

    --> Don’t feel like working out? Clear the feeling to find yourself naturally doing it.

    --> Afraid of an upcoming interview? Release the fear as if it wasn’t there.

    --> Unsure of what to do? Erase the uncertainty to start doing it.

    No matter why you don't feel like doing, the hacks in this bonus will have you magically doing it!

    It’s quite magical….

    Bonus #2 - Free Video Seies - The 1 Hour Routine

    If you’re thinking “I don’t have time to add another thing to my already busy schedule"

    This quick video series is for you. It will show you how to combine your most important tasks into a 1 hour routine.

    That’s right, just 1 hour.

    You’ll learn to get more done in 1 hour than you used to all day.

    You’ll also learn how to schedule your goal at times of the day you’re not doing anything anyway - like waiting in line, on the bus, or your morning commute.

    With this bonus, time will never be an issue for you. You’ll get more done and have more time than you know what to do with.

    Bonus #3 - Free Access - 30 Day Support

    I don’t want anything to get in the way of your success

    So if you sign up before leaving this page…

    I’ll also give you 30 days support from me.

    This isn’t group coaching at odd hours where you don't get chance to ask your questions.

    It’s also not some virtual assistant that responds, but ME.

    Shoot me an email anytime and get your most pressing questions answered.

    Bonus #4 - Free Guide - 200+ Tools & Tips to Save Over $1,000/Month

    Coming from a third world country and growing up poor

    I know just how tough not having money is.

    I don’t want anyone to ever feel that or have money get in the way of their goal.

    That’s why I’m offering a bonus guide that reveals over 200 tools & tips to save thousands per month on everything from groceries and electronics to healthcare and travel.

    You’ll discover my best kept secrets to:

  • Find the lowest price on any purchase

  • Buy an entire wardrobe for the price of a single garment

  • Slash cell phone bills in half

  • Save thousands on healthcare

  • Get 2-10% cash back on every purchase

  • Buy any household, kitchen, and office supply for $1

  • Save over 80% on software

  • Travel anywhere in the world for practically free.

  • The one time price of this course will save you twice that each and every month.

    Now what program offers all that!

    The ability to achieve your dreams while having more time and saving thousands of dollars a month

    It’s really a no brainer!

    Many people buy the program just for the bonuses, and have no regrets!


    This program is for you if…

    You’re having a hard time starting things

    You start things fine, but don’t stick with them

    You can stick with things, but sabotage yourself

    Or you just can’t seem to get to the next level

    My students are using it to:

  • Lose Weight

  • Improve Health

  • Break Habits

  • End Addictions

  • Improve Grades

  • Learn a skill

  • Write a book

  • Learn a language

  • Start a business

  • Make more money

  • Have more time

  • Rafael R Hinojosa - US Marine:

    I am a combat veteran and have PTSD. I have done the traditional way of things. I have overcome a lot but I have a lot of internal resistance issues. This course is way cheaper than seeing a therapist for sure. Thank you 🙏🏽 for this course.

    Mark M. G. Bowlin

    I want to take a moment to express my sincere appreciation for these insights. The depth of content, specially the detailed explanation on Internal Resistance was truly insightful. It’s one thing to learn new concepts, but to see the effects of tangible changes is really something else.

    Sean Nawman

    Ok Kam! Your emails “sucked” me in! And so far, you are still captivating me! REALLY like what you have to say thus far and am astounded this course is as affordable as it is. Thank you for letting me in on this powerful training! 😎 Absolutely brilliant! 😃

    Think about how much your procrastination is costing you?

    How much productivity have you lost putting things off?

    How much time have you wasted starting things you didn’t finish?

    How much money have you thrown away by not finishing that book, proposal, or project?

    How is the frustration of not finishing things affecting your self-esteem and quality of life?

    Why keep doing this?

    Why keep thinking this time’s gonna be different, when it’ll be exactly the same 5 years from now?

    Why not learn about the part of your brain holding you back, so you can break the pattern?

    The best part is, you can try all this absolutely risk free!

    Hey, I get it...

    You've done this over and over, and you keep getting the same results.

    And you're wondering why this time it's gonna be different?


    I Absolutely Guarantee This Time Will Be Different

    Because if you try this program and it doesn't blow your mind...

    I will give you your money back!

    guarantee you, at the very least, your mind will be blown!

  • Here’s what you get:

  • Everything you need to conquer your resistance

  • 42 HD Video Lessons - Accessible on any device

  • Module 1 - The Wanting Mechanism ($1,000 Value)

  • Module 2 - Internal Resistance ($1,000 Value)

  • Module 3 - Exposing the Tricks of Resistance ($1,000 Value)

  • Module 4 - Resistance Revealing and Releasing Method ($2,000 Value)

  • Module 5 - Action Ignition Blueprint ($2,000 Value)

  • Bonus Module - Mind Hacks ($500 Value)

  • Bonus Videos - The 1 Hour Routine ($700 Value)

  • Bonus Access - 30 Days Email Support from Me ($2,500 Value)

  • Bonus Guide - 200+ Money Saving Tools & Tips ($1,500 Value)

  • Worksheets After Every Module to Apply Material ($1,000 Value)

  • Here’s what you get:

  • Everything you need to conquer your resistance

  • 42 HD Video Lessons - Accessible on any device

  • Module 1 - The Wanting Mechanism

  • Module 2 - Internal Resistance

  • Module 3 - Exposing the Tricks of Resistance

  • Module 4 - Resistance Revealing and Releasing Method

  • Module 5 - Action Ignition Blueprint

  • Bonus Module - Mind Hacks

  • Bonus Videos - The 1 Hour Routine

  • Bonus Access - 30 Days Email Support from Me

  • Bonus Guide - 200+ Money Saving Tools & Tips

  • Worksheets After Every Module to Apply Material

  • ($1,000 Value)

    ($1,000 Value)

    ($1,000 Value)

    ($2,000 Value)

    ($2,000 Value)

    ($500 Value)

    ($700 Value)

    ($2,500 Value)

    ($1,500 Value)

    ($1,000 Value)

  • FAQ

    How Do I Get Started?

    Click the yellow button above that says “Yes, I Want Instant Access”

    Is there a Guarantee?

    Yes, if you go through the material and feel Conquer Internal Resistance wasn't worth 5x what you invested, drop me an email with what you didn't like within 21 days and I’ll refund you. But you have to go through the material.

    How is this course delivered?

    It’s delivered via HD video lessons you can watch on your computer or mobile device.

    Is This Another Rehash Self-Help or Mindset Course?


    I created this course because self-help and mindset don’t work. They just make you feel motivated in the moment, and when those feelings fade, so does the motivation.

    Besides most coaches and experts haven’t done much in life, they’re simply repeating others.

    I pushed my limits in all areas of my life to come up with these solutions, and that’s why it’s different from anything out there. In fact, no one is talking about Internal Resistance, so this is the only place you can learn about it.

    Will It Work for Me?

    Yes! Unlike other programs that only discuss general problems that apply to everyone, this program offers a unique technique that reveals and releases your exact resistance.

    It’s a technique I’ve developed and not available anywhere else.

    I Don’t Have Lot of Time?

    Great, because you don’t need a lot of time.

    All the lessons are about 10 minutes, and you can watch them on the bus, waiting in line, or morning commute.

    Also, most of your goals can be achieved in under 15-30 minutes/day, and this course will show you how fit them in moments you are not doing anything else.

    All Sounds Great Kam, But I Can’t Afford it?

    Remember, this program comes with a guide that’ll save you over $1,000/month, each and every month.

    The guide reveals all my secrets to save on everything from groceries, dining, healthcare, prescriptions, insurance, laptops, cellphone service, entertainment, travel, and more.

    Just one tip will save you more than the price of the course, and there are over 200 tips in this guide.

    Also, overcoming resistance leads to doing more and making more money.

    The small price of this course will both save and make you more money - each and every month. It’s really a no-brainer!

    Right Now, You Have 2 Choices & They’re Very Simple

  • You Can Keep Doing What You've Been Doing & Keep Getting the Results You Have Been Getting.

  • If that is your choice, I totally understand and I wish you well :) After all, that's what most people do and that’s what I used to do, so I totally get it. But your other choice is much better…

    But your other choice is much better…

  • You Can Push the Button Below and Join Me Inside On a Life Changing Transformation.

  • If that is your choice, I totally understand and I wish you well :) After all, that's what most people do and that’s what I used to do, so I totally get it. But your other choice is much better…


    hope you enjoyed learning the answer to your procrastination.

    I want to put this knowledge into your hands because I KNOW what it’s like to not be able to do something, no matter how badly you want to.

    In fact, there is no greater pain in life than having a want for something, but not be able to achieve it.

    It’s time to stop living in pain and start living the life you and your family deserve.

    Kam Knight

  • Conquer Internal Resistance - © 2024 All Rights Reserved