Why does it feel like my brain is fighting itself?

Why does it feel like my brain is fighting itself?

Apr 01, 2024

Does your life feel like the rope in a mental tug of war?

Like there’s this never-ending battle inside you.

That’s because there is...

The human experience is a complex dance of conflicting forces, each fighting for dominance

One part of your brain is shouting, "Stay focused, you've got this!" while another part whispers, "But what about that shiny distraction over there?"

One part of your brain fuels you with passion and desire, but another part warps you with doubt and fear that keeps you from taking the leap.

One part of your brain is like an emotional fountain, ready to release a cascade of feelings, while another part acts as a protective shield, that keeps those emotions from rising to the surface.

Your entire existence - who you are as a person - is this endless tug of war.

You’re a walking, talking mental tug of war.

It's all part of being a beautifully complex human.

Embrace the mental tug of war, because it’s within this tug where your true self lies.


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